Originally Posted By: Ken61
I'm waiting for King to cite Paul Krugman's predictions for the economy. I suspect it's a wait in vain...

We get a lot of waits in vain when we expect King Brown to honestly answer simple questions, and expect him to be Fair and Balanced.

King has always ran from the tough questions that would force him to admit the dishonesty and insanity of his thinking. He's far worse than Hillary ever was when it comes to only fielding softballs.

And look, King is still using Hillary's DNC playbook to continue to run a race he already lost, but cannot accept. He knows he can't run on the record of Liberalism and Socialism, so he has to turn to a non-stop attack and denigration of Trump based upon lies and utterly false statements that he cannot back up.

No King, we haven't forgotten those rotten lies you told about Trump's PROMISE to pick Judges who would pervert the Constitution by interpreting it according to his whims, and use it to punish his enemies. A hot promise like that should be easy for King to provide proof of, but King is still doing the duck and run.

Poor little King... 85 years old and still as spoiled and immature as those millenials who actually can't believe that we would soundly reject the "Hope and Change" and "Fundamental Transformation of America" that has been his goal.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.