Originally Posted By: King Brown
....Not to put too fine a point on it, an American minority just elected a new president with a much lower approval rating than the incumbent....

....the man who would change everything to their wishes....

....nor Canada its refugees because our sovereign people know it's the right thing to do. We know from experience that Canada can't survive as a great country without New Canadians....

....Best of luck, dear America, best of luck....

King, if there's one thing we learned, it's don't trust the polls. Perhaps, you're only polling the 25% that agree with you and approve of bo? Might I suggest a wider sampling.

Slash and burn only works in Canadian timber country. Only bo can give minorities everything their hearts desire. Trump can't grant wishes, hang on maybe he can, he sent hill packing, okay, bad example.

Don't be so quick to assume the 'new' Canadians will enhance the motherland's survival. Keep in mind, nothing good ever comes from these situations, or so I'm told. By the way, check your numbers, I don't think you folks are being quite so magnanimous towards syrian chocolatiers as you're thinking.

If it's going to come down to luck, doesn't it look like America is making her own luck?