Originally Posted By: King Brown
Hard to say where the electorate was on the bookend Republican "wins" of hanging chads and the court in Florida and a minority in the second, with clear majorities in the middle and the president with higher approval rating than the president-elect during the election.

A good omen is the president calling for cooperation with the new administration during post-election talk of fighting it at every turn, and the absence of whining from the losing side about voting irregularities which accompanied the previous two.

Rid yourself of notions of politicians keeping promises. They never do.

Let see.....the sore loser Democrats are STILL whining about 2000 (actually examined and ruled on by the courts, in accordance with the US Constitution) and yet, as a young man developing an interest in politics, I really had to dig to get the low down of the actual theft of a presidential election by Joe Kennedy and his mobbed up buddies in Chicago, including Mayor Daley.

No Kennedy....no Johnson. In their stead, one of the most accomplished and forward thinking Presidents 8 years sooner. Oh how history might now differ.

I have no real complaints about Kennedy, except the methods that got him to the White House. But Johnson was as catastrophically as bad for the US in the long run as PET was for Canada.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia