I have a number of 32" guns. Light and Heavy.
There are many differences I notice when shooting such a broad selection of guns.

And if I put them on Don's spinner, the numbers would bear it all out.

A game gun demands a dynamic style. Fast to start, fast to stop. A heavy fowler a more deliberate push. A ligtweight 32" 12 seems to "slash" through the bird at distance.
I hold all my 12's at the forend tip, so any differences in swing speed are due to mass, not mount.

It's a challenge moving from gun to gun, and changing shooting style each time. Part of the fun for me.

And when I touch off 1 1/4oz heavy loads, I'm glad I'm carrying the extra mass of the heavy guns.

Don's method is so exacting, anyone can dial in exactly what they shot best, and also what they like.

There are times when what "feels good" isn't what will bring more game to bag.

Out there doing it best I can.