Hello there lads, merry Christmas to ye one n all.
I really love this place when everyone is behaving,lol.
I am from across the pond..but live in New Hampshire & to me Antique means 100 years old...I think thats a general rule over here too?
At what time back from 2017 do you consider guns to be Vintage.
I guess Wine freaks call a Vintage when a wine is made from an exceptionally fine year for grapes.
So is "Between the wars" considered the vintage period, as such fine guns were made?
Or do Gun collectors use a cut off period like say 1960
I have one Greener hammergun from 1901, so that's a real antique..also a nice Belgian SLE from 1926...that would count as vintage I'd guess
Just curious about the vintage age thing..I guess Im talking English/European Guns.
Also, when Generations are mentioned, what time spans come to mind?
I've googled this an there doesn't seem to a definite answer..30 -50 years?
MERRY CHRISTMAS to all of you blokes..ilove ye all

Last edited by Franc Otte; 12/19/16 02:28 PM.