I bought a beautiful Linder Daly Diamond Quality 12 gauge in an online auction. Absolutely beautiful gun. The metal is in very nice condition. The engraving is outstanding. The wood has been refinished and the finish has some flaking. But still a very nice, very attractive shooter.

I took it out yesterday, along with ten year old Molly and two year old Jazzy. I had paws on the ground about 11AM. We moved twelve to fifteen individual coveys. I lost count. We had bagged the fifteen bird limit at about 4:45pm. Just me and the dogs. Joe Wood has too much character to skip obligations in order to go hunting. So I was by myself. I notice that rascals like me get to hunt a lot more than the guys with character. Did not lose a single bird. Molly and Jazzy deserve the credit. Both made near miraculous finds and retrieves of running downed birds.

I think this is the best engraved gun that I ever owned. I took the picture this is edited from yesterday while on the hunt.

Took this shot about 3:30PM.

This is the same picture as above but with Molly whoa'd into posing with the birds.

Jazzy with a hen she pointed and retrieved:

I would appreciate any information Lindnerophiles here can give me on the gun. I assume it was made before WWI.

I am glad to be here.