Sorry Jagermeister, but you aren't fooling anyone who read your disparaging remarks about Israel and the Jews in the old Misfires forum. Nor are you fooling anyone who read the many excuses you made for Muslim extremist violence or the commands in the Koran for Muslims to conquer and kill infidels. And while we're on your disingenuous crap, how about all the negative things you said about Trump before pretending that you actually voted for him? What a joke! Trump is against virtually everything you stand for. And hopefully you are no longer able to fool anyone into believing that you are really a double gun enthusiast when you don't even own one. You can however claim to be a tire-kicker and an internet troll. Everyone who pays attention to what you post here will believe you on that.

Speaking of the Palestinians being lousy gutless fighters Pooch, let's not forget that those so-called leaders who recruit poor illiterate children and indoctrinate them with hatred and a willingness to kill themselves in suicide attacks on unarmed civilians are never themselves willing to die for their cause. But I have little doubt that Jagermeister (or Tire-Kicker-Meister) has some sick lame excuse for them as well.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.