Manifesto 5.0
We do not only have a president-elect but also a first-lady-elect.
He married his long-time mistress shortly before he told he will
nominate for the election.
A simple political calculus as Austria is a catholic country and
a marriage is an atout.
THE Austrian society highlight is the socalled OPERA-ball.
An event where all the A,B,C etc promis gather incl the
Z-promis, i.e. the anti-opera-ball-gang on the street demonstrating against the event.
1st issue to resolve
There is an interview of this couple-elect by a soft-rinsed
leftie-journalist in which she admitted that she did also
demonstrate against this opera ball in her younger years.
So the next opera ball she will join her husband into the
IMPERIAL box INSIDE the opera building and look upon all
the A,B,C etc promis dancing below her.
Her husband has a retired former president of the supreme
court as legal consultant.
I am wondering what this chap or the maitre-de-protocol
will recommend her.
Will she take a bottle of state-supplied champagne and
descend to her former gang-cofighters on the street and
have a drink with them or will the gang join the first
couple in the imperial box inside the building for a
drink there ?
What career jump from a Z-level promi to an A-level promi
in this country.
2nd issue to resolve
The first couple has as summer residence the former imperial
hunting - repeat IMPERIAL HUNTING - mansion in the province of Styria.
Now, will then her former Z-gang reemerge in this Styrian
place and will she celebrate with them by dancing the
greenie-goblin dance or will in stalinistic style the
all-mighty special police force Cobra hermetically barricade the spot to ensure their unspoiled vacation.
How many milli-seconds will this new fake-imperial couple
need to remove any hunting sign of this imperial vintage
hunting place...

What unsurpassable and absolute perversion in Tu Felix Austria ...

Last edited by felix; 12/28/16 12:44 PM.