Carrying on Owen's theme, I had the chance to introduce my neighbors, a family of four, to hunting and shooting. The wife was the driving force, and really wanted to go. Pointing out to her husband how fortunate he was, he got both girls a Red Ryder for Christmas, and they met me out at the property this last Friday. Safe muzzle direction and straight trigger fingers were oft heard admonishments, and by and large everyone absorbed and followed an avalanche
of information. I make no apologies that there are more pics of the wife- she was very enthusiastic, and a whole lot prettier than her husband.

We did shotgun:

Here she broke her first target:



and Red Ryder

The youngest was only interested in observing

Cocoa did her usual good job of retrieving, while I had the four of them observe only while I chased a few birds:

Tolerance: the abolition of absolutes

Consistency is the currency of credibility