Yes, it bears William Midleditch Scott's mark and the patent 2752 of 1865 refers to the top lever sometimes called a Scott Spindle. Don't think the number 29229 is anything to do with Hollands as that would be for the number sequence for the 'Royal' hammerless guns. The Scott sequence would put it at 1877; which is about right although the style of gun looks a little earlier. Do you have another number? Which would be a Holland number; maybe on the barrels or trigger guard. Could be that Scotts made the action and supplied it to Hollands or made the whole gun or the number is the patent use number making it the 29th. thousand or so made on that patent. A gun that I would be going over with a magnifying glass for little clues.

Beautiful gun and, in what appears to be, little used condition. Could do with a look at the Proof Marks on the barrels as a nitro re-proof would help the price up a bit although the action looks as if it is still black powder proof. Hollands should have more information as on the whole their records are mostly complete. Not going to hazard a value at this stage but good hammer guns are going for good prices in the U.K. Lagopus.....