Originally Posted By: Stan
Dan Moore, of William Larkin Moore, in the SSM article credited the demise of Arrieta with the economic collapse worldwide. I have a bit different take, for what it is worth. Arrieta, like many Spanish makers who are in financial straits, were makers of S x S guns only. When the favor of S x S guns waned, as it certainly has worldwide, their market began to dry up
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Sorry, but no.

Ugartechea made a full line of over/under shotguns (box lock and side lock) for decades and failed before Arrieta.

Dan Moore is partially correct, in that the banking crisis of 2008 2010 was a large stressor on the Spanish shotgun trade. But what killed Arrieta, (Pedro) Arrizabalaga, Ugartechea, Laurona, and Zabala Hermanos, and is killing AyA, Garbi, Grulla, and the rest of the Spanish artisanal shotgun makers is the political actions of the Spanish government (and to a lesser degree the EU and its regulation of firearm cross border movement).

This isnt a market problem; its a result of poor government policies.