Originally Posted By: LeFusil
I like Keith. He keeps it real and puts the dingalings on blast. The way I see it, if Keith's putting you on blast...you probably deserved it. And he does so over and over again by posting what these ding dongs have either written or said. He doesn't seem slanderous to me.. And....over the years, Keith has also contributed many technical and otherwise helpful answers in regards to shotguns...much more so than many other so called "contributors". Don't say or write stupid shit...and Keith won't blow you up. Seems simple.

The downside is that it turns into personal fights between members and is a bit off-putting for newcomers. Would you want to go to a party and sit at the table where guests are undermining and hurling insults at each other? It's not a good look for the forum or for our beloved sport, really.
