Learn the subtle differences in case color between the brands. For example, IMO there is no one alive that reproduces the "oil on water" colors of original A H Fox guns. The only way to learn what that looks like is looking at some in person, holding them in your hands and studying the subtleties in natural light. There is a distinctive color and finish to an original Fox barrel blue, as well. I believe L C Smiths can be restored to much nearer exact original case colors than can a Fox. I cannot say for certain about Parkers, as I have purposely stayed away from them for all these years. The higher the market for a particular brand, the more likely you are to run into fakes, or restored guns. And, they are badly overpriced IMO, much more so than Foxes.

If you really want an unmolested Parker I would keep asking for information on guns for sale by old collectors, or that might be for sale in the future. Hang around people that have been collecting that particular brand for a long time. Ask questions. Sometimes you just have to wait. I know of a high condition, graded 32" Parker near me that is original, bought from old man Odum in S. GA many years ago. I was allowed to shoot it a couple years ago. I have finally gotten a promise from the owner that if he ever sells it he will give me first shot. Sometimes that's as good as you can do. If and when the time comes, I may or may not buy ............ all according to the price.

Whatever you do, don't get in too big a hurry. The only thing worse than not finding what you want is buying it and then finding out it isn't what you thought.

Good hunting, SRH

May God bless America and those who defend her.