How sad to think that innocent children are targets for these sick bastards.

And how utterly sick it is for the Left to once again be making excuses for deviant and criminal behavior. Jagermeister's comments only offer further proof that Liberalism is a mental disorder, and this sort of thing won't stop any time soon because of people like him.

Maybe if Jagermeister's 5 or 8 year old granddaughter had her life violently snuffed out by a Muslim terrorist, he would see things differently. But then again, he may be too ignorant for even that to make him see the truth. These deviants live in a cult of death. Their families admire them for their sick violent acts against infidels, and their leadership like Hamas and Iran pay large sums of money to their families for their suicide attacks.

Radical Islam has been beaten and tamped down numerous times throughout history. Brute force and total intolerance of their demented behavior is the only thing that has worked. Foolish Liberals like Jagermeister and dla (sic) make silly excuses and say there are over a billion of them and we can never win. But we are talking about a culture that has stagnated and been inbred for centuries, and has offered the world virtually nothing of value for thousands of years.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.