Originally Posted By: El Garro
On a slight tangent, Manchester, like many large cities is a multi cultural place these days. I've spent a lot of time working there in the past and have met all kinds of people from all over the world, most were friendly but some really got my back up. There are plenty of reports about the way people pulled together to try and help on that night. Hundreds of taxi drivers turned off their meters, filled up with fuel and worked right through the night ferrying people to safety for free. Many of the drivers are of foreign origin, many were Muslim. 
There were pictures of a large group of Sikh shop owners who filled their vans with food and drinks then set up tables on street corners and gave the goods away to anyone involved. 
In the middle of this horrible incident it was heartwarming to see how ordinary people pulled together to try and help in any way they could. 
We shouldn't judge a person by the colour of their skin or a religion. These people were human, they cared , they were upset and they wanted to help.
The animals who commit these acts need to be snuffed out. Hopefully there will be more cooperation amongst the communities after this . 
If one potential terrorist is outted by their family/friends or neighbours it will be the beginning of the end of this so called holy war. 
Everyone with a heart and a brain in their head is clearly disgusted at what happened. I've seen the moronic social media "burn a mosque" comments , that's not the way. Eradicating the preachers of hate who pray on the dumb, the weak minded and easily led is the way forward now. 
We can't arrange a scrap in a field with these people, they haven't got the balls so they choose to terrorise us, fortunately, they're upsetting a lot of the people they call their own too. 
Just my thoughts on it. I hope others think the same.

Sorry, but i cannot agree. Have you not seen reports on the news about "sharia patrols" on the streets of Leeds/Bradford, the east end of London, anyone having a drink or being "immodisly dressed" is haranged or assaulted. Then we had the Asian rape gangs, who were free to pray on exclusively white girls, because the Police were terrified of being accused of racism. There is a massive mosque about 3 miles from me. The imam is the European head of the muslim brotherhood, and his no.2 openly warned our media no to republish the Charlie Hebbdo cartoon or they would be sued.

There are Jews here, Protestants, Mormons, seventh day adventists, buddists, you name it, but i cannot remember any of them causing as much trouble as Islam.

Last edited by bonny; 05/24/17 02:20 PM.