Originally Posted By: Ken61
Originally Posted By: huntingsgr8

Religion and race are not grounds for the actions taken by these people. By "these people" I mean those degenerates who could be classified as extremists, or terrorists. That's a demographic independent of religion or race. There have been some in every race, and of every religion.

On the contrary, it is exactly religion that motivates these people. While certainly not all Moslems believe in this extremist view, the number who do is significant. What is even more important is to understand that even more not only tolerate it, but admire it's fervor. This is the point, Islam is fundamentally a supremacist religion. In the West, supremacist beliefs are generally decried, and rightly so, but this is not the case with Islam. It is not the West who needs to tolerate and change, but Islam. There are some signs of this in Egypt, and hopefully it will spread throughout the Moslem world.


Interesting to see that huntingsgr8 has not responded. But it was obvious from his initial post that he has not bothered to click on the religion of peace links, or done any other actual research into Islam and what motivates the terrorists:


Since he made the utterly ridiculous statement that every race and religion has has its' own terrorists, Id' like to see him back that up with facts. Where are the Presbyterians, Episcopalians, Bhuddists, or Amish Dutch who are blowing themselves up in crowds of children? Where are the suicidal Jihaddist Eskimos? The statements by him and Jagermeister offer further proof that Liberalism is a mental disorder.

I'd suspect that if he and Jagermeister ever found themselves in a situation where Muslim extremism reached the point where they felt personally threatened, they would be the first to submit and convert to Islam to save their sorry asses.

The idiot Jagermeister really ought to stick to trolling lies about the number of guns he actually owns, and lies about his reloading activities. He pretends to IGNORE me now so he can continue skirting the obvious question... why does someone who does not own even one lousy double shotgun spend so much time trolling bullshit on a double gun forum???

OK, time for Gladys to stick his whiny hypocritical nose into it.

Selby Lowndes smile

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.