I have a dozen 3200 and am not that worried about shooting one without the updates. The gun has functioned for 40 years as is. I would just shoot it as is and be done with it. I shot one without updates for well over 100k with zero problems. It did develope a small crack in the stock behind the tang but it never became greater than half an inch. Very solid guns. I'd rather shoot one like your than any gun with a release trigger.

I've never met a person first hand who had trigger problems with their 3200 but I am sure there could have been. 3200 are skeet guns which are only loaded when on the peg, pointed in a safe direction and quickly shot. If a problem happens just hold in a safe direction and open it up. If it were a field gun, carried loaded for hours a trigger problem might bother me more but it isn't. Save a grand on the updates unless you are going to shoot it enough to justify the expense.