Amen, brother. The days will continually shorten until one late afternoon in August I will notice, as the sun gets low towards the western horizon, that the late afternoon light is different, and has a warmth and glow that was not present previously during the summer months. I began to notice this phenomenon decades ago, and would mention it to my wife when I would first see it. Over the years she has learned to see the change, too. I look forward to it with eagerness, for it portends the opening day of dove season not many sunrises from then.

God is so good, and infinitely wise as The Creator, that He would give us these changes of season to anticipate, and enjoy. Thanks for posting this Lloyd. Because of the loss of my Lab, Cady, this evening, I needed to be reminded of one of the reasons for hope and anticipation.


May God bless America and those who defend her.