There are about 10 words/phrases for "underlever" in French, several referring to specific types. I'll post pictures of each as I run across them in French ads - worth a 1000 words:

Lefaucheux cl;

Levier volute;
Cl Beringer (aka pontet serpent);

Cl sous pontet (identical to Cl Beringer/ Pontet-Serpent?)
Cle longueur (barrels folds all the way down to latch onto the lower stock)

Pontet-Serpent (see Cl Beringer);
Cl devant pontet (identical to Lefraucheux?)
Longuesse-Sous- main amovible
Levier sous la longuesse
Ouverture sous pontet (variant of Levier de sous garde?)

Levier de sous garde

Jones underlever - Fermeture en "T"; "T" Anglais

Last edited by Argo44; 08/10/17 07:55 PM.

Baluch are not Brahui, Brahui are Baluch