"Affordable" is a rather ephemeral and loosely defined term when we're talking about our doubles. What is affordable to me may well be totally out of reach to a young guy with a crappy job, several kids, and a mortgage. But it might seem like bottom feeding to someone in the upper income brackets. I skimmed though the book about 10 years ago at a gun show and didn't buy it then for an asking price of $20.00, as I recall. it was disorganized. But I'd buy a copy for a reasonable price today, given the chance, just to have access to a listing of obscure names and makers.

Originally Posted By: bladeswitcher
The writing itself isn't so bad (though it's not particularly good, either), but the editing is terrible. There is no adherence to standard rules of style. He mixes up capitalization, italics, bold face fonts and quotation marks in seemingly random and unnecessary ways.

On the other hand... it appears that you may have discovered that ed good is the real author of this book.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.