Originally Posted By: Recoil Rob

Mr. Ken, I just saw the survey, there were only 10 responses, and 7 were for 28/20, 2 two were for 16 & one for 12.

OTOH I just reread the first 10 pages of this thread and came away with 12 requests, two for 28/20's, two requests for 12's and eight requests for 16/20's. (eightbore still wants an eight bore.)

Good question here. I really hope this project gets off the ground and running. Like someone said early on in the discussion, there were quite a few that looked at the RBL's and passed because it was limited to only the 20ga. Count me in among that group and as voting for a 16/20 in the 3 commonly discussed barrell lengths (26, 28, & 30).

After seeing the Wesson rifle thread, it gives me hope that this project can fly too. Any further updates?