Thanks for this topic, Greg. Truly is one that stands out for positive, mutual enjoyment. To that end, and with all sincere humility, let me encourage everyone to strive for excellence in the other shooting that takes place- the photography. PLEASE take your camera afield! If shooting with a buddy, let him take the gun and you take a camera. Or if solo, make one jaunt with that four legged nose a photo shoot only. Try different angles, like getting on the ground. You can get some amazing shots from above and below, a perspective and aspect of composition often overlooked. As in shooting a gun, it is good to sometimes review the basics of shooting a camera: the law of thirds, bullseye photography, lead in lines, filling the frame, etc. There are some amazing venues traversed by our members, and I really look forward to the vicarious experience of your hunt in places I will never get to go. Happy hunting and good shooting! Mike

Tolerance: the abolition of absolutes

Consistency is the currency of credibility