Originally Posted By: ed good
well, how about amending the federal firearms act of 1934, to include bump stocks and center fire mags over 10 rounds?

or, do nothing at the federal level and let each state determine what level of gun control is best for them?

This is the first time I have ever agreed with Ed Good. Bump Stocks and any other parts that make a semi auto firearm simulate full auto should be considered NFA (National Firearms Act) items & require the same background check & tax stamp as full auto weapons.

It is clear to me that some changes are going to happen re. firearms laws given the political climate & or public opinion. Now is the time for the NRA & other organizations to be working to negotiate with support for reasonable changes such as NFA status for the bump stocks & extreme high capacity magazines in exchange for national concealed carry reciprocity, removal of sound suppressors from NFA status & other items.

I agree that banning or putting bump stocks & extreme high capacity magazines under NFA classification won't make a major difference in mass shootings but it's most likely to happen anyway so we might as well try to get some useful legislation passed along with it. I would hope magazine capacity could be kept @ around 20 rounds as 10 rounds would outlaw lots of popular handguns.