Originally Posted By: LeFusil
Are you trying to insinuate that you are a gentleman? Thats a laugher. Anyone can see your poorly veiled attempt at wit and sarcasm a mile away, guy. Try again. You may attempt to be as eloquent, brainy or gentlemanly as you wish, its just not gonna work with me. Your reputation around here is of a genuine doucher who looks down his nose at anyone who disagrees with your opinion. In your head, you truly believe that youre just the smartest, most learned guy in the room. Cats out of the bag now eh. Have a nice day yourself, Mr. Wonko.

!DANG!! Saw right thru me, dinja? I had no idea I was so despised. That must simply be yet another aspect of my living in denial. I can only take comfort in

you can fool all of the people some of the time
you can fool some of the people all of the time

and that'll just have to be good enough for me, eh?

thanks for the insight

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