Totally worth the money. I currently use a pair of Zeiss 10x40 Victory's, a pair of 8x30 Kahles, and a pair of 8x25 Meopta's.

The pair of Kahles were my first pair of high end optics, they've been stalwarts in the field. I've owned them almost 20 years now. About 4 years ago I took them on a duck hunt and they somehow fell out of my pack, un cased into about 1 foot of snow. No didn't know I lost them until I got home and then I spent the next 3 days scouring the marsh looking for them, no luck, and then Ma Nature dropped about 2 more feet of snow in the area..... I found them a few months later, in the spring and fully expected them to be trashed from the elements.
They weren't. Nothing at all wrong with them, just muddy and filthy. After a careful cleaning...they were as clear and sharp as new.