Opening day of woodcock season in Georgia. The birds arent in, but conditions for their arrival are optimum as our woods had a 4 rain over the last 72 hours softening the woods floor for ease of doodling for worms. One bird, one shot and it was Floyds No. 4 Deluxe AyA 28 ga. Both Abby and Willa, my Britt Com MuttPak, had it pinned down and I had to go into the thick damn near on my hands and knees to flush it for Floyd. I could see Willa with Abby backing but all I heard was it getting up and Floyds shot. A good friend will do that for you. wink Top gun is my recently acquired from Ted Darne R10 20.

While in the woods I spotted a small lions mane mushroom and showed it to Floyd. On the way out, Floyd spotted this one from 75 yards out as we drove out the woods. It weighed 3 lbs. and was the size of a cantaloupe. These are excellent on the table. At least I didn't go home empty handed.