Thanks for all the insight. I do still plan on checking this gun out, only with primers installed, no loaded shells, just for curiosities sake to see at what point it will fire. I fully agree with your consensus of using another method should I actually have a stuck shell.
Actually I tried this method with an empty hull fired in another gun which had apparently a slightly larger chamber, so it fit quite tight in the Halifax. I did not find this a useful method as the barrel extractor only very slightly moved the hull then the hooks on the breech jumped the rim leaving the hull intact in the chamber. I still had to get a rod & poke it out from the muzzle. I tried this one hull in each chamber several times & only once did I actually succeed in extracting the hull.
Although admittedly hard on the gun I personally believe a break open design will extract a tighter fitting shell or hull than will this gun, in spite of Darne's claims to the contrary.

I Didn't Say Everything I Said, Yogi Berra