I hunt my boots hard In unforgiving, rocky, 45 degree+, mountainous terrain. I frequently encounter hidden barbed wire fences, leaf covered rocks, snow, and mud. I have tried most of the boot brands mentioned in this thread and have settled on the following combination:

1. Russell sheep hunters
2. Saddle soap and obenauffs after each outing
3. Peet boot dryer overnight

This regimen has served me well so far as I am in my 5th season with these boots hunting most weekends and a week on the prairies each year. At the end of last season a stitch came loose in the heel area and the sole stitching was working loose, so I returned them for a resole and they came back good as new. I know they are not cheap, but quality made in the USA rarely is (all products in the regimen above are made in the USA)

Oops need to wipe them down!
