Keith, I used to wonder why you continue to post the same crap over and over. Now I understand it's all you know or are capable of. Having adopted an ideology that insulates you absolutely from rational thought, you have no choice except to endlessly repeat yourself. Why would you say liberals are afraid to admit their position? I've never pretended to be a Tea Bagger. The country is hopelessly slanted in favor of those who own all the wealth. Earnings are at an all-time high. The market is booming. Employment is growing very slowly. Wages remain stagnant. What is there about that scenario for ordinary people to celebrate? Instead of opposing taxation as theft, why not support the idea of making government smarter and more effective instead of resenting the fact that it exists? PS: why is an illiterate dwarf the alternative to an illegal, hard-working Mexican? That sounds like one of Craig's non-sequiters.

Bill Ferguson