I eaten worse. One way that improved them was to put them in a barrel with a few potatoes. They would eat the potatoes but loose a lot of body fat and rancid flavor. It took some of the greasiness away. Still not my favorite, but if I was hungry enough I would eat one or change political affiliation to get something better to eat. Might be a closer call than I want to admit.

I think an "outdoors man" needs to try just about anything once. Seconds are optional. In fact some of my best days are still shooting the simple things and cooking them like my Grandmothers or Mother did decades ago. Stan had a few Wood ducks and I had a flash back to a simple roasted Wood duck with salt, pepper on the skin and a couple thin carrots, celery and Granny Smith apple slice cooked inside sealed with a couple straps of bacon, served on a pile of wild rice. I think she cooked the carrot first a little before she stuffed the bird. For sure that was far better eating than that Possum.