Originally Posted By: Dave K
Last Dollar- Keith I thought he was in Mexico and left here like a little girl all wound up ?

Yeah Dave, here's a link to the tear-jerking thread where Last Dollar whined and cried and said farewell to this forum forever. He got his knickers in a knot after I said his picture of a whale looked like Michelle Obama on another taxpayer funded vacation. But that was hardly the only time he threatened to leave us forever if he didn't get his way.

Last Dollar's crybaby thread "On Folding a Tent"--- We should all be so lucky!

But the big crybaby couldn't live up to his word, and he returned to continue his avid support of Liberal Left anti-gunners. He said he couldn't stand to see political threads in the main forum, yet returned to them repeatedly. He also didn't like the political discussions that went on in the old Misfires forum... but he was also repeatedly drawn to them like a big dumb retarded moth to a flame. Now he'll keep coming back to tell us how he isn't reading certain posts, even though we all know that he peeks and responds to posts that he says he is IGNORING. But he's not alone. That's very common behavior among our closet Liberal Left losers.

Ya know, I do believe he lived in Kalifornia for a time. Long enough, apparently, to partake in plenty of mind altering drugs.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.