I love the taste of duck, and fix it different ways, but one of my faves is to take a whole dressed woodie or teal and coat the outside thoroughly with olive oil. Then, put as much salt and pepper on the duck as the olive oil will hold. Place it on the grill upright on one of these holders, and slow cook until medium rare.


I ain't ever been hungry enough to eat a possum. When I was a kid my Grandad had a large herd of herefords. When one would die he would just drag it off to the woods, to a spot we called the boneyard. Buzzards would make short work of it. I was squirrel hunting one day and walked by where one had been left weeks earlier. The hardened skin still covered it and I kicked the carcass in the ribs. Three fat possums waddled out of the enlarged "anal orifice". My mind was settled about eating possum that day.


May God bless America and those who defend her.