Originally Posted By: Stan
Originally Posted By: Last Dollar
I am not sure what you mean by "holdouts"? Our family, farmers, ranchers "bailed out" a fairly long time ago as the Uncles saw the handwriting vis the water problems. One to Australia. two to Alberta.

I'm not buying that as being the sole reason for leaving America. There's too many places you can farm, and irrigate, in the USA without the "threat" of water shutoffs. And yes, I'm well aware of the potential water supply problems facing American farmers.


I no longer believe that voting certain way is ever going to change anything. I honestly thank that when Newt runs short of cash and needs more he calls Nancy on special secure line for more and she gives it to him. crazy
One constantly looks at their situation. I'm going to look at my taxes for this year and next to see what happens. There comes a point where one is better off packing bags and leaving for where the "grass is greener". I have been hearing about these "heavenly" places with lower taxes, universal heath care, paid vacations, paid maternal leave for 6 months or more,......I notices they never mention any specific countries, but me wants to live in that Utopia.