People are fallible, they fail. In this latest school shooting, it seems the FBI failed to do what we expect it to do. The local deputy simply chose his own life over doing his duty. That doesn't mean that the system fails; it means the system must improve itself and get rid of the people in it who were responsible for the failure.

When a killer goes to a school to kill with a gun, he probably will until stopped. The same applies to a killer who goes to a school with a dynamite vest. Or one who decides to use arson as his weapon. Or a truck. Or poison. Evil has way more faces than an AR-15.

The common thread is preparedness and the will to institute systemic rules which will protect the innocent. Its become clear to me that safe zones where guns are prohibited do not serve the purpose of protecting people, but instead just invite tragedy.

Schools and other public gathering places can be protected by actual security teams and systems (not the assignment of some deputy who won't do his job when the need arises). We can spend the money to have protection or not.

I remember the school security debate when Newtown happened. The politicians kids attended some school in Washington with an armed security team. Yet they believed they were special cases because of their position and our kids needed no such protection.

The current gun control assault will fail and likely finish tanking the democrat party in America. The second amendment and the NRA are our protection in this country. The gun lobby's position that a good guy with a gun stops a bad guy seems to me to be the most sensible guidance I've heard from anyone...Geo