I agree with both your points. Notice my first comment regarding ARs....I said I did not think they should be banned and it would not help. I was just rattling the cage of lil k. The GOP is not calling for an AWB. I would rather see that than raising the age to buy a long gun which they are considering. Some form of increased gun control is coming and the GOP is going to help. Just look at Florida. You now have Rubio and Scott on board, both with A ratings from the NRA. Trump is suggesting several options. These are not liberal making these suggestions folks. I do not have the answer but this is not sustainable. We can not continue to have these mass shootings and keep the laws at status quo. Things are changing, you may not like it but that is the reality of the situation. Was the possibility of raising the long age even a thought before this? Could you imagine the President or Rubio saying what they have said before this? Just look at the corporate partners the NRA lost this week alone. We are losing the battle of public perception and in a big way.

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