We have better reporting on crimes than most states and that database is searchable. That is where our money goes in Colorado. They put more resources towards tracking the bad guys and making sure they do not buy through legal dealers.

Not into a database of gun buyers and the guns they purchase. That does not exist. How is that a bad thing? A few bucks for a transfer is not the end of my world.

That is what I mean by strengthen. The church shooter in TX was convicted and prohibited by law from owning firearms but passed his back ground check because the Air force did not report his crime. All I am suggesting is more accuracy and through reviews.

I appreciate the job the NRA does I do not appreciate the way they do it. Totally inappropriate comments on CNN as well as by Lapierre at CPAC. I want him to fight for my gun rights not talk about socialist conspiracy theories.

Booking African hunts, firearms import services

Here for the meltdowns