How do you know that Billy? The last time pro-gunners reluctantly conceded and didn't strongly resist the onslaught by the anti-gunners, it only made them keep trying to take more. That was the GCA of 1968. They came back for "Saturday Night Specials, for all handguns, and for so-called Assault rifles. They also tried to get ammunition bans and "Smart Guns" that could only be fired by the owner. They never stopped coming at us, trying to get more and more. And through it all, FUDD's like you kept saying that it would never happen and that your Liberal Left Democrats were no threat to us.

They are now calling for strict regulations on "weapons of war" that were designed only for killing people on the battlefield. They are saying that these guns have bullets that travel 3 times the velocity of most handgun ammo, and expand violently in flesh. They are saying that guns with such devastating firepower have no place on our streets.

You know what Billy? That sounds a lot like Stevies Mauser or your Springfield rifles.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.