The laws pertaining to access of confidential records mean nothing to corrupt officials. Just look at what SKB small Stevie told us about his FFL audit inspections where he stood by like a sheep while agents photographed his Bound Ledger Books, in violation of the laws that say those records are to remain in the sole possession of the FFL for 20 years or until he retires.

If those agents were not involved in an active criminal investigation, those records should not have left his shop in any form or manner. Isn't that right Stevie? Bleat once for yes and bleat twice for no.

Still, we know that the shooter at Virginia Tech had been on anti-depressants, as was at least one of the Columbine killers. We know Joseph Wesbecker of the San Ysidro, California McDonalds restaurant shooting had heavy metals poisoning. We know the SSRI usage status of quite a few of these shooters, but I've noticed much less willingness for such medical disclosures since the Newtown shooting.

I don't have a problem with the government studying the severe side-effects of SSRI's or even regulating their use if it serves to stop the shifting of blame for these acts onto law abiding gun owners. The government already regulates many drugs that are far less dangerous. And they already stop or prevent Medicare patients from getting many prescription drugs that are not approved on their formulary by refusing to cover the cost.

And poor pathetic Jagermeister still does not own a single solitary double shotgun. He did claim that he owned one of those AKM's, but considering how many lies he has told about gun purchases, I personally wouldn't believe any of his bullshit.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.