Another thing to remember when you all call your elected representatives is that the total number of people who are killed in the U.S. by all rifles... not just AR-15's... is quite small compared to the number of people who are killed in the U.S. by illegal immigrants.

The very same Liberal Left Democrats who are pressing hard for more restrictive gun laws and complete bans on AR-15 type semi-automatic rifles are at the same time actively fighting any efforts to build a border wall and reverse illegal immigration.

If they were really concerned about saving lives, they wouldn't be howling about the Trump administration's recent lawsuit against California's Sanctuary City laws.

The truth about crime, illegal immigrants and sanctuary cities

The Small Numbers of People Killed by Assault-style Rifles

It isn't about saving lives folks. It's about the eventual end of the 2nd Amendment. The anti-gunners who are applauding new anti-gun measure passed by the Florida Legislature are already saying that it is a good first step. If the Governor signs the bill, they will keep coming back for more.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.