Originally Posted By: King Brown
Whatever, ya can't have that bull crapping all over you and NRA, taking self-abasement to a higher level.

Is that how you took it King? Gee, your poor reading comprehension is getting progressively worse with age. The little animated bull was added specifically for you and Jagermeister to illustrate what you two contribute here. And we all know that it is you who makes a point of crapping all over the NRA (and our 2nd Amendment) every chance you get. Do you recall this criticism of our NRA along with your absurd and stupid suggestion that they should give in to Obama and then attempt to win back some of our rights at a later time?

Originally Posted By: King Brown
Your messages appear as from one who hasn't been involved directly in action of what it takes to beat back grabbers other than a NRA membership. (And that antagonizing NRA comment while the nation mourning was no service to our cause, as I said here at the time. Better that the NRA would consider what Obama proposing and it would respond in good time in the country's best interests etc.) Unwarranted inflaming of public opinion is a mistake, and in confrontations of this kind, it's the faux pas that can kill you. Some November dandies come to mind.

And here's a couple places where you again posted the anti-gunner's lie that the NRA is responsible for changing the Framer's original intent of the 2nd Amendment:

Originally Posted By: King Brown
The Court departed from the original understanding of the Second. The NRA and other groups rejected the original interpretation. Even as late as 1991, the jurist Burger appointed by Nixon said "the Second Amendment has been the subject of one of the greatest pieces of fraud, I repeat the word 'fraud,' on the American public by special interest groups that I have ever seen in my lifetime." In 2008, in the District of Columbia v. Heller, what Burger said was fraud was accepted by the court. Interesting stuff.

Originally Posted By: King Brown
Dave, Dave, Dave: you're like those fundamentalists who claim Jesus walked with the dinosaurs. There was no NRA at time of the Founding Fathers. The change was recent to what the Second is today.

Originally Posted By: King Brown

Levin authored the 2005 book Men In Black: How The Supreme Court Is Destroying America, in which he advanced his thesis that activist judges on the Supreme Court (from all parts of the political spectrum) have "legislated from the bench." In a review of Men in Black, Commentary magazine's Dan Seligman wrote that Levin asks readers "to identify with 'originalists' who look to the text of the Constitution and the intent of its framers, and to reject the 'activists' who construe the Constitution broadly and are more concerned with getting to their own 'desired outcomes'."

That seems to put him at odds with the NRA-promoted amendment.

Thanks for the opportunity to clear the air and to show once again your utter disdain for the NRA and your repeated attempts to advance the lies of the Liberal Left in order to undermine our gun rights. This will be your legacy here... Anti-2nd Amendment liar.

I advised you recently to look up the meaning of self-abasement. Once again, we have you using new words without any knowledge of their definition. Or is that simply more of your serial dishonesty on display King? Little wonder that Jagermeister has such a hard time being truthful with us when he looks to you as an example. Dishonesty is not civility King.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.