Originally Posted By: keith
Originally Posted By: Chukarman
I am a native Californian. When I was growing up there the population of the entire state was about 8 million people. There are now about 40 million. That's a 500% increase and you can be sure that most of them came from the states where YOU live. WHY?


....If it comes to our states next, it will be because we allowed ourselves to be fooled....

Sure folks moved to Cal. for opportunity. I myself have an aunt that moved there in the seventies. Her husband is long gone and my cousins are out of the house. Her very modest quiet neighborhood now looks like Beirut.

Among many other highlights, that formerly great state is the number one importer of illegal aliens, and the number one exporter of progressivism to the western US. Here's hoping Arizona can withstand the attack. Where's RM Bill, he knows how to demonize an R, while reluctantly admitting his neck of the woods have become the summer playgrounds of bored and rich kaliforn'ans. Heck, for defense of ideology, he'll tip toe around criticism of kali policy.

It's not lost on me that there are many good folks out there, but that state generates policy, congr. reps. and electoral votes that extend far beyond simply leaving that state line in the rear view mirror.