But wages and employment levels are rising thanks in large part to those tax cuts Billy. Greedy corporations are indeed moving capital and investment back here to the U.S. after decades of flight. I'm getting invitations for job interviews every week, and that sort of demand means employers are offering better pay and benefits to attract workers. We have a dirty evil Republican named Trump to thank for that. But you want to see him go to jail. Now why don't you show us the evidence of corporate wage fixing collusion you cite Billy. Or is this just another of your many Liberal propaganda lies, like the one you told about Bush reducing training teacher money when he signed No Child Left Behind?

You've always been very jealous and envious of the greedy Capitalists who provided your taxpayer funded teacher salary and benefits, haven't you Billy? You act like Corporations are a living breathing blood-sucking monster when all they are is a piece of legal paper in a filing cabinet that answers to shareholders and employs tens of millions of the taxpayers you sucked from. But we certainly couldn't expect intelligence or rationality from a gun owner who supports extreme anti-gunners, can we?

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.