Originally Posted By: rocky mtn bill
There's plenty of evidence that employers have conspired to keep wages down. Look it up for yourself.And, the excuse for cutting taxes for the super-rich was that they'd use that money to pay workers more. Now there's a joke. Corporations used their windfalls to buy back their own stock. The corporate world, with some rare exceptions, has no sense of obligation to anyone but themselves. The Koch brothers are out to own and run the world. Their propaganda industry has brought them lots of support from the very people they're out to starve. C'est la vie.

Interesting you crap all over the Koch brother's but nary a word about the new world order envisioned by Soros, Gates, Buffet, Bezos, Zuckerberg, et al.

The vast majority of activist billionires are Democrats. Good God man, where have you been? Out in the mountains?? Is this news to you?

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia