Originally Posted By: rocky mtn bill
....Craig informs us that Montana's long- standing health problems are caused by the ACA. I'd never have guessed. Maybe he'll elaborate on that.

For a fact, the ACA provides health insurance for more than 20000 people here who previously had no coverage at all. The Republican objection to ACA comes down to a denial of what it takes to make insurance insurance-- the mandate....

....A catastrophic health condition is much more likely, but somehow we object to making health coverage possible....

Bill, I was responding to the comments that you offered. I believe you mentioned that your state has inadequate mental health services and you had no answer for it. I never thought for a moment that you would believe me, but I still encourage you to look it up. There was a big infusion of money 'during the last eight years' doled out by out of sight out of mind programs with designated purposes. Interesting eh, you, meaning progressives, will throw millions at fighting substance abuse, and throw millions at lobbying for legalizing abuse prone, life wrecking opioids.

I've seen a hospital form at one of your facilities. Literally, the first lines, in bold type, had to do with penalties and consequences for not showing up for a medical appointment. Come to find out, medicaid participants, at least at some facilities, just don't bother to show up for somewhere around forty percent of their medical appointments, according to a friend that I trust. From my point of view, you get more mileage out of talking about the aca than your 20K that have no skin in the game.

Anyway, if you believe Montanans are much more likely to benefit from a catastrophic health condition safety net, what prevents you from focusing on your most likely scenario? I think you object to health coverage simply because you have the ability to flip on your rant mode and justify never being satisfied.