Originally Posted By: canvasback
...Are you suggesting there isn't polarization now between the Dems and the Republicans? Are you suggesting many people don't judge others simply by their expectation of who they are voting for?....

....My long term game involves things like working towards evolving the culture of the teachers colleges so they aren't turning out Marxist foot soldiers who brainwash millions of kids every day that the Left view is the only view. My long term game involves blowing up the culture of journalism schools....

Hmmm, aren't we a hundred and ten percent sure there IS polarization? And, I don't understand this. What is in any way wrong with making a judgement about someone who either states who they vote for or implies who they vote for? Isn't how we use that judgement? I believe a long term ground game will be simpler if we don't have to pretend that we're above the fray. Why else would we be harping on hate, if the perceived mob didn't rule? In my previous comment, I gave examples of tactics. Can you come up with reasons not to selectively apply the tactics of the left? Selective meaning, half a booker or warren or hill or barry or pelosi or ocasio or harris, geez there a post length limit.

You may have gathered from the past that education is one of my pet watches on the national scene. I think if you wait for college, you're waaay too late. We'll see. I haven't noticed the dept. of ed. move the needle in a meaningful way to me, but a conservative long game will have absolutely zero chance of influencing formative years under an ideological dem progressive dept. of ed. Hey, what about alternatives? How we gonna get King to stop trashing the thousands upon thousands of kids, of all stripes, who have gotten a wonderful introduction to firearms through the various NRA youth programs, by distilling their body of work down to a couple of misleading sound bites?

If you want to grab today's kids attention, it probably should be a very short message and pop up on their phone. Thank goodness we have someone with the cajones to raise awareness of how info is controlled.