An observation: A lot of the nostalgia and the animosity it feeds that gets paraded here is badly misplaced. When the world changes in ways we don't like, it's easy but dishonest to scapegoat those who don't look like or vote like we do. There's a great longing here to be able to live as if we were on the frontier. If you're the only one in a hundred square miles, it really makes no difference how fast you drive, where you shoot or what you shoot at, how much game you harvest. The frontier is over. When I was a kid, I bought a 22 rifle on the playground of the elementary school. I could walk from my house in town to a good place to hunt. No more. It's not impossible now because some liberal Democrats have passed laws. It's impossible because we all have a great many more neighbors now. Now we have to have speed limits and stop signs. By appropriating so much of the planet to our exclusive benefit, we've painted ourselves into a corner. We could be more free to do whatever we pleased it there just weren't so many of us. We need to become conservatives and start conserving a sustainable world instead of consuming it as fast and completely as possible. The refusal to recognize and accept limits is folly and inevitably leads, as the Greeks told us, to tragedy.

Bill Ferguson