Originally Posted By: rocky mtn bill
As for the sexual predator who nominated BK, I wasn't claiming to know something I couldn't know. I'm taking Trump's words on tape as absolute proof. In Clarence Thomas's case I have to admit I slipped. I don't know he harassed Anita Hill though I thoroughly believe he did.

Billy, of course you still believe that Clarence Thomas sexually harassed Anita Hill. And it doesn't matter one bit to you that an FBI Investigation of the matter found no wrongdoing on his part.

That is what is so dishonest and disingenuous about you and your fellow Anti-Gun Liberal Left Democrats calling for an FBI Investigation now. You will never change your minds about Kavanaugh. But you can't admit that this smear and hypocritical call for an FBI Investigation is just part of a Democrat plot to derail his confirmation.

You always manage to trip yourself up with your own words. This is why I don't wish to silence or censor Libtards like you. This is why I don't act like an estrogen overdosed woman, and e-mail or PM other Conservatives to cry to Dave to stop you. It is far better to let the world see what frauds you really are.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.