That's only partially correct Ed. Lincoln was not President of both the Union and the Confederates. They were two entirely different entities with different leaders. The Confederacy had seceded from the Union and counting casualties from both sides would be like including Iraqi military deaths in the total for U.S. casualties. So your inflated number is way off.

Some folks think we may be on the verge of another Civil War. The nation is as divided as it's ever been. The Liberals have already been using guerilla tactics such as the character assassination of Judge Kavanaugh. And it could be argued that they have already fired the first shots... with the Liberal Democrat shooting at Republicans and wounding Rep. Steve Scalise at a Congressional baseball game.... and the targeting and killing of Police Officers as a result of Liberal calls to kill cops. So if things really get going, who do you think will get the blame for U.S. casualties, since the shooting began under Obama's watch?

But just in.... BREAKING NEWS from the Democrats.... reports that Kavanaugh may be guilty of attempted murder for throwing a snowball at another kid while at recess in Kindergarten.... further FBI Investigations are needed in spite of, and in addition to, presumed guilt.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.