Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
Originally Posted By: keith

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

A fact that is easily proven.

Maybe I'm splitting hairs, but I don't like it when the term "Liberalism" is applied to "Leftism".

(And I also apologize if I am going too far off-topic.)

Liberalism, as originally conceived by the likes of Jefferson, Locke, etc, was the belief in LIBERTY and freedom, especially economic freedom and individual rights (especially those of property, speech, and self-defense).

Then Leftists later (around 1914, I believe) coopted the term with their doublespeak, as they are still wont to do, and twisted the meaning into something entirely different (see also "gun safety", "social justice", etc).

If we allow Leftists to control the language like this, then they have already won half the battle, as the normies are quite often taken in by the doublespeak without knowing any better.

Instead, let us take back the language, and discard their twisted doublespeak.

So that being the case, I'm a "Liberal", because I believe in the ideas of freedom and individual liberty that our fine country was founded on. I'll call myself a "Classical Liberal", to differentiate myself from the Socialists, to the normies, I guess. For now.

Instead, let's call them Leftists, Socialists, or even Communists in some cases, because that's what they really are. I don't think the term "Progressive" even really applies anymore.

That's my opinion, anyway. But maybe I am full of sh*t. :3