We had a basic rule on the farm while growing up. Any poisonous snake within 50 feet of the House was to be destroyed. Any snake in the barns, sheds or outside was to be left alone if at all possible. Snakes got a place on a farm as long as they dont scare people half to death, mostly females and people who cant tell one type from another. Did have a rattler spend a bit of time in a combine. When going over all those belts and greasing what seemed like a hundred places getting it ready for wheat it poked its head out. I think it was mostly curious. Unfortunately Mr Amos, our hired hand almost touched him. After a Sweet Jesus he took off like a cat with a tail on fire. Covered a hundred yards faster the any Olympic record holder. Man refused to go near that combine until that snake was removed. It was. Easy way to do that was start the combine up. It came out quickly. Did not seemed to be injured and left the shed. Mr. Amos never went near that combine after that without looking it over real carefully.

I still have that kill them if up to the house but leave them alone otherwise. And I try to show people a black snake is to be left alone even around the house. They will move on if left alone.